Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friday Night at Iowa 80

While reading Iowa 80, I thought a lot about the imagery the author used. He used a lot of sensory details, and it  made me feel as if I was there, conversing with the people, and even just people watching. Observing how they would function, and just how the truck stop functioned. Everyone was like a family, it seemed. To me, it gave me the feeling like I was at a small town coffee shop, much like the one in my hometown. Everyone got a long and laughed with each other, just like a family.
I liked when the author was describing when he met this guy named Gordy. He said "Gordy spoke with easy affability, and underneath his three say growth of beard, I detected once boyish good looks reminiscent of the actor Lee Majors".(Feildworking: Zollo 30) I was very impressed with his details. I could see exactly what this mans face looked like. He goes on to describe the rest of this man saying he was "a vetran with 22 years of service on the road". (30) Clearly this man is an older man.
While the people of The Iowa 80 truck stop are important, it is also very important to get a feel to what the place looks like, and he does a great job. Overall, i think the author, Rick Zollo, does an outstanding job describing this truck stop. This is a video of the Iowa 80 truck stop

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