Wednesday, March 30, 2011


 Tim McGraw being interviewed.
      I found while I was reading, that it isn't always the best to assume things about what a person does while you're observing them. This is the primary reason for interviewing people when trying to observe and learn about a certain area, person, company, etc. It clarifies all your uncertainties, and will give you a clearer representation of the thing you are observing or studying. You need to ask both open and closed questions while interviewing people. Open being there is no one answer, you can make a conversation out of these answers, and they lead to other questions you may not have thought to ask at first. Then there is closed questions, basically they turn out to be yes or no answers or numbers, they are very concrete based questions. It is very important to listen to their answers, especially the open questions that you ask. The person you are interviewing may have some details you would like to know, and you don't want to miss them.
    While I was reading "I Can Read I Can Write" by Jennette Edwards, the way she interviewed and how she put it into the essay was clear, and it flowed well. She didn't just put in Lee's answers to her questions in Q&A format. She just put his open answers in as if he just said them himself without her asking him. It works really well with the flow of the essay.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that it is not good to assume anything about the person you are observing. Also, that the best way to get as much information out of the person you are interviewing is to ask open ended questions. I think that you have a great understanding of what an interview should consist of and how to effectively fit them into your next essay.
