Friday, November 12, 2010

Key components for an Essay

For any essay, you'll need to have some key components. You'll need to have a title, a thesis, an introduction, transitions, and a conclusion. These 5 things are very important when writing an essay, they help it fit all together perfectly. The title is like the first thing the reader is going to see, and it will determine whether or not they are even going to pick up your essay. You'll need to make sure that it draws the readers attention and that it isn't boring, make it clever, but mature, not whimsical or suggestive. You're also going to need to make sure all the punctuation is correct. Next is the thesis which is also very very important, it must be on topic and tells the reader what the argument of the paper is. Throughout the paper you will be supporting and proving this. It must be straight and to the point. The thesis can be found anywhere throughout the paper, it can be found at the end because you are working up to proving it, or at the beginning where you could state it, and then prove it as you write the essay. Next you have an introduction, in here you will find an interesting paragraph or more about the background information of the topic, you will need to find a way to make it grab the reader to make him want to read on. Try starting it off with a question or interesting fact about the subject matter, that could help grab the reader's attention. When moving on from the introduction, youll need to transition your paragraphs smoothly. Even more than paragraphs, you'll want to make sure your sentences flow and transition well. Finally, you will have a conclusion. This closes your essay, and it summarizes it all up, but you don't want to be repetitive. Try to put some new information about previous topics you discussed in the essay, in your conclusion so it s new fresh information. You want you essay to go out with a BANG, you you will need to make it interesting. Don't let the essay just die out, this is what the reader will remember. It is what they are left with, what is most fresh in their minds when they have finished, make it interesting.  After having all these components in your essay, it will most likely now be a good one.

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