Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis

While reading about rhetorical analysis, I honestly did not really understand what their purpose was, or even what a rhetorical analysis even was. Though when i got to the part about what their purpose was in the reading, i think i started to put things together. I understand what tactics are needed when writing a rhetorical analysis. You will need to understand the text very literally, meaning, takes words literally, and be able to understand what the author is writing about, why they wrote it, and who they wrote it for. Also when writing a rhetorical analysis, you must understand the audience you are writing for.  Structure for the rhetorical analysis is also very important. You'll need to first develop a thesis. Then build off your thesis.  Your introduction will lead to a claim, and develop an argument. Second you'll have to find a few supporting reasons and support then with textual evidence. Then you'll need to wrap it up with a conclusion. Another thing you'll need to add is a style and design to the rhetorical analysis. There is high style, something very formal. Then there is middle style, something that is less formal and more public.  All these things tie together to make a rhetorical analysis. Personally, the concept behind it seems a little difficult to create. There is a lot of critical reading skills involved, but it seems like if you take it step by step you will make a good rhetorical analysis.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, when reading about rhetorical analysis I was not sure about what I was reading or the purpose. As I read further into the chapter I also started to put the pieces together. In the end, although I was confused, I realized that if the proper steps are taken a great rhetorical analysis can be made.
