Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Lion King Movie Review

Recently I had just re-watched The Lion King for a millionth time and I was again absolutely pleased. As a child it was my all-time favorite movie. Allers and Minkoff do an extraordinary job with all the symbolism of biblical references and a mock of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Rated G, The Lion King is animated beautifully, the language is just perfect for children to understand and relate, and also the morals taught in this movie is perfectly appropriate for any age. Children will love it, as well as their parents. The characters were perfect, there is a serious matter in this plot, as Mufasa, the King of Pride Rock, was killed by his brother, Scar, while Mufasa's son, Simba, is convinced it is his fault and runs away fearing he will be exiled by the kingdom. He is found by the comic characters, Timone and Pumba, a goofy pair, past out in the middle of the desert. Simba is then taken in by them and ignores his past. As I watched this movie the only downfall i had found was the music. This particular movie didnt need all the disney musical nonsense. Though some of the songs are very catchy, like "Hakuna Matata". Children will love this song as Timone and Pumba sing it. Even if the music in this move aren't 100 percent, the animation, plot, characters, make up for it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Key components for an Essay

For any essay, you'll need to have some key components. You'll need to have a title, a thesis, an introduction, transitions, and a conclusion. These 5 things are very important when writing an essay, they help it fit all together perfectly. The title is like the first thing the reader is going to see, and it will determine whether or not they are even going to pick up your essay. You'll need to make sure that it draws the readers attention and that it isn't boring, make it clever, but mature, not whimsical or suggestive. You're also going to need to make sure all the punctuation is correct. Next is the thesis which is also very very important, it must be on topic and tells the reader what the argument of the paper is. Throughout the paper you will be supporting and proving this. It must be straight and to the point. The thesis can be found anywhere throughout the paper, it can be found at the end because you are working up to proving it, or at the beginning where you could state it, and then prove it as you write the essay. Next you have an introduction, in here you will find an interesting paragraph or more about the background information of the topic, you will need to find a way to make it grab the reader to make him want to read on. Try starting it off with a question or interesting fact about the subject matter, that could help grab the reader's attention. When moving on from the introduction, youll need to transition your paragraphs smoothly. Even more than paragraphs, you'll want to make sure your sentences flow and transition well. Finally, you will have a conclusion. This closes your essay, and it summarizes it all up, but you don't want to be repetitive. Try to put some new information about previous topics you discussed in the essay, in your conclusion so it s new fresh information. You want you essay to go out with a BANG, you you will need to make it interesting. Don't let the essay just die out, this is what the reader will remember. It is what they are left with, what is most fresh in their minds when they have finished, make it interesting.  After having all these components in your essay, it will most likely now be a good one.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis

While reading about rhetorical analysis, I honestly did not really understand what their purpose was, or even what a rhetorical analysis even was. Though when i got to the part about what their purpose was in the reading, i think i started to put things together. I understand what tactics are needed when writing a rhetorical analysis. You will need to understand the text very literally, meaning, takes words literally, and be able to understand what the author is writing about, why they wrote it, and who they wrote it for. Also when writing a rhetorical analysis, you must understand the audience you are writing for.  Structure for the rhetorical analysis is also very important. You'll need to first develop a thesis. Then build off your thesis.  Your introduction will lead to a claim, and develop an argument. Second you'll have to find a few supporting reasons and support then with textual evidence. Then you'll need to wrap it up with a conclusion. Another thing you'll need to add is a style and design to the rhetorical analysis. There is high style, something very formal. Then there is middle style, something that is less formal and more public.  All these things tie together to make a rhetorical analysis. Personally, the concept behind it seems a little difficult to create. There is a lot of critical reading skills involved, but it seems like if you take it step by step you will make a good rhetorical analysis.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Smoking: A New Discrimination" response

The information the author, Mary Klenowski, gathered from journals, books, and magazines was very interesting. Her essay seemed to make a lot of sense. People get fired because they smoke all the time. And even though i'm really not a fan of smokers, there is no reason they should be fired. The business' reasoning being that their health is in danger and it causes the health insurance to go up, is not reason a person who smokes  should be fired over a person who eats junk food and is obese. That just doesn't make a lot of sense. The obese person has the same amount of risks as a person who smokes. The people getting fired aren't smoking on the job. It's on their own time. They aren't endangering the building by setting it on fire. The business cant take control over what people do on their own time. We'd turn into a "totalitarian dictatorship".

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Feedback for Visual Literacy Narrative

I chose to comment on the reading Visual Narrative because i loved the way it was done. The staged videos worked well for the movie, and the black and white color choices showed that it was in the past. Then as the color changed to be in color, i knew he was going for the present. i loved his font choices and audio. The font choices were easy to read and he put just enough writing on each part. The audio started out sad and had a feel that he was concentrating. Then suddenly the pace changed, it worked out really nice as the transition to when we got all the questions right. The ending where he listed his accomplishments was nice as well. The overall project was very well done.

Literacy Narrative Project

I'm  doing my literacy narrative project on how i learned sign language to communicate with infants. I had to learn it in order to teach the babies how to communicate. As babies they don't know any words, and they have a harder time being able to say them. So the daycare told us we should teach them sign language. They didnt need to know how to form sentences or anything like that. But they learned simple words. I already knew some sign language because a friend of mine is deaf as well as some of her family members. I know how to interpret it better than how to do it. Though, i know a lot of words, but nothing close to the amount of words in the dictionary. I know how to say any kind of family member. I know how to say some kinds of food, animals. I can say things like "More" "Pacifier" "Bottle" "Tree" ect. I plan to make a movie on this, thought i may just use the power point since i know it a lot better. Not quite sure about how it will all play out just yet, though it's still floating in my head. I want to incorporate some music and obviously some words and pictures or infants using sign language. Thats mostly all i have so far.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Malcom X

Malcom X had an extraordinary experience in prison. Usually, when you hear about people going to prison, they tend to pick up a hobby. The hobby he picked up, learning words, writing them down and trying to memorize the dictionary, not a very common hobby.  He was never really literate, then leaving jail, he was very literate and became a very famous public speaker and human activist. This is very inspiring for me to be honest. I don't think I could've done that, learned the entire dictionary. Though, if i was in jail for a long time, its possible i might have taken it up. But since i'm not in jail, i don't find the need to learn it. I can communicate in a few different ways so i don't feel like i need to learn the entire dictionary, even if it would make me sound a lot more educated. I am fine with how educated i am now. Maybe people would think higher of me, but I'm comfortable with the amount of education i have now in the English language. Though when i'm in school i will be learning more, but probably not the entire dictionary. I could learn how to use the descriptions he uses in his writing. It is absolutely marvelous the amount of description he uses. The way everything flows and paints a picture is beautiful. Something i would like to inquire into my writing.